We are in a time of reckoning.
This past spring and summer, Humber Journalism joined similar programs across Canada and North America in answering urgent questions about the existence of anti-Black racism inside the curriculum, the classroom, the faculty and the Administration.
Concerns were being raised at all levels about a lack of willingness to respond, to represent, to accept and to change.
Out of that grew a commitment and an action plan to expose and address racial inequality, systemic racism and to support racialized communities inside and outside of Humber.
A big part of this conversation was Humber Journalism’s one-day conference “Racism in the Newsroom: The Unapologetic Reckoning in #CdnMedia”, which featured guest speakers and panel discussions on everything from “Implicit bias” to “Language and Why Words Matter” to “Telling BIPOC stories” to the exciting idea of getting into “Good Trouble.”
A second part of this effort was a special Team News coverage event on humbernews.ca.
This was the first time that students who were just beginning their studies in Journalism were teamed up with students in their final year, working as small, dynamic content creation units.
In all, some 70 students worked together, planning, researching, and reporting on topics ranging from surveillance to mental health to the representation in the arts – and much, much more.
The students were given guidance and insight from guest editor Ashly July, a producer at the CBC and a former Humber Journalism student. July met with the students, reviewed all of their work, and offered suggestions on shaping and refining the stories produced.
“I was so impressed by the work done by the reporting teams of first year and final year students,” said Mike Karapita, one of the Journalism faculty members who helped oversee the Team News project.
“These students found new voices, which is what the project is all about. They told really interesting stories about aspects of anti-black racism in our city.”
“I think it’s all part of a greater goal of embracing change. shining a light on injustice, and celebrating inclusivity,” Karapita said. We hope you enjoy this collection of student work, the start of an ongoing – and vital – conversation taking place throughout our society
We would like to thank the first-year reporters
who assisted with this project.
Allana Johnson
Carynne Mercado
Cherish Ashkewe
Danyal Khan
Davia Figueira-Knight
Eric Reid
Fatima Khan
Hayley Barnes
Jacob Tye
Janine Cloma
Jaxx Indiana
Jess Munday
Jesse Glazer
Jesse Kerr
Joshua Drakes
Jun Cho
Karl Lewis
Kathleen Morris
Khiana Gutierrez
Mandy Li
Megan Rampersaud
Mira Rowley
Nathan Abraha
Nayab Farooq
Samantha Little
Santiago Arias Orozco
Sarah Hurtado
Trishelle Dotson