Humber first-year journey: Students share experiences and tips for newcomers

Apr 18, 2024 | JRNL219-2024

As the academic year is coming to an end, the first-year students at Humber College share their experiences at the beginning of the term and give useful advice to newcomers. Students of different majors revealed their experiences of the freshman year, offering tips on how to overcome university life challenges.

Among the first-year culinary students, Noel Nathaniel noted the importance of students learning to manage resources and especially their time optimally. Likewise, he felt it was crucial for students to strike a balance between their academics and extracurricular activities. “You simply have to be good at time management and rank the tasks according to their respective importance,” he said. “Attending clubs and participating in school events are a nice way of making many new friends; still, you must not forget to prioritize your studies.”

Stephanie Villas, a student of the Business Management program, highlighted the necessity to ask for help when encountering problems. “Don’t be hesitant to contact professors, friends, and the support services if you’re having problems academically or personally.”

The importance of seeking personal care and stability in school was raised by one of the first-year engineering students, Richard Thompson. “Put your needs first and take care of your health, if it’s physical or mental,” he advised. “My visit to the gym helps me to fight boredom. I go out with my friends and spend time doing my favorite things.”

Vahid Sadeghi, a professor teaching English as a second language highlighted the importance of enjoying the college experience while taking in all the education. “Don’t forget to enjoy your college life. Make friends, try new things, and study well,” said Sadeghi.

These insights resonated with many first-year students as they navigate the transition to university life. With the support of experienced peers like Nathaniel, Villas, and Thompson, incoming students can feel more prepared and confident in facing the challenges ahead.

This idea is identical to what freshmen mostly go through as part of the journey to join college. Through the support of fellow students like Nathaniel, Villas, Thompson, and other experienced peers, they can help first-year students overcome concerns about doubt and fear of challenges by instilling confidence and preparedness.

Humber College gives students a variety of resource tools and support systems to facilitate them in their academic and personal matters. From academic advisement to counseling, students have a wide range of services available, helping them navigate the university in the best way possible.

As the academic year draws to a close, first-year students reflected on their experiences and offered valuable advice for future Humber students. With insights ranging from time management to self-care, these students provided a wealth of wisdom to guide incoming peers on their educational journey.