Here are 5 Palestinian books to add to your reading list

Nov 9, 2023 | Culture

In the wake of the Israel-Palestine crisis, it’s important to remain empathetic and informed. One way to do that is through books. Here are a few noteworthy Palestinian writers who have authored books in a variety of genres.

1. Mothers of Strangers by Suad Amiry

A book cover with a man standing on half of an orange with architecture in the background.

Mother of Strangers by Suad Amiry. Photo credit: Screen grabbed image

This book focuses on the young love between two teenagers as they go through trials and tribulations with not only their relationship but also the changes happening to the formerly Palestinian city of Jaffa. As Israeli occupation takes over the city of Jaffa, these two young lovers must explore whether they have the will to survive.

2. Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum

A book standing on top of table with white font against a light blue background

A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum. Photo credit: Screen grabbed image

This debut by Palestinian-American author Etaf Rum follows teenage Deya who is forced into an arranged marriage by her grandparents. As she begins the match process she unravels a secret about her supposedly deceased parents that makes her question everything. For fans of twisted family secrets, and interpersonal family dynamics this is a fascinating take to add to your TBR.

3. You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat

A woman's portrait-style picture placed to the right of her book's cover, You Exist Too Much.

You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat. Photo credit: Screen grabbed image

This coming-of-age story takes us on a journey from Palestine to New York, highlighting the journey of a 12-year-old Palestinian girl who comes out to her mother, only to face rejection. As the girl navigates Palestine’s conservative culture and later New York’s burgeoning music scene, she questions herself every step of the way even after entering a serious relationship.

When she finds herself in a conversion therapy centre she is forced to face her truths about intergenerational trauma and what acceptance really means. Zaina Arafat, a Palestinian-American author who is also a part of the LGBTQ+ community writes both fiction and non-fiction stories.

4. Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa

A cover of a book using geometric patterns with a blue, purple, pink, and oranger gradient with gold font over top

Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa. Photo credit: Screen grabbed image

This story opens with a young Palestinian refugee imprisoned in solitary confinement as she reflects on the events that led her to this moment. Born in Kuwait, Nahr dreams of falling in love, having a family and opening her own beauty salon, but as her world crumbles against the backdrop of the US invading Iraq she is forced to flee to Jordan before making a home in Palestine under Israeli occupation. This historical piece explores love and hate in beautiful, life-changing prose.

5. Power Born of Dreams: My Story Is Palestine by Mohammad Saba’aneh

Cover of a book with a black background with white contrasting drawings as well as red and green font.

Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Mohammad Sabaaneh, Photo credit: Screen grabbed image & Leshae Barrett

This stunning graphic novel explores life in an Israeli prison, highlighting stories of family, community and Palestine. Author Mohammad Saba’aneh is a painter and cartoonist born in the West Bank of Palestine.