OPINION: Having a hobby can be a lifesaver

Feb 5, 2021 | Opinion

It has been an year since COVID-19 halted the regular flow of life and changed our day-to-day. Everything, from work to school has been altered in one way or another.

The stress is even higher for those who can’t partake in their favourite past time.

The list of hobbies is endless. They can be great ways to get you through hard times.

The importance of hobbies is evident during COVID-19, saving us from the boredom and confinement of the four walls we’re forced to look at every day.

I turned to my favourite hobby during this pandemic which involves playing, learning and experiencing video games in various ways.

I have been a gamer for 18 years and my passion for video games has never wavered in the slightest. I enjoy all aspects of video games, watching, playing and general discussion. Broadening my knowledge, through different media platforms which cover gaming content and seeing these developers work from home and showcase their work, is what I look forward to every day.

This pandemic has already taken a lot from me. Online classes lose the critical in-person experience school provides and it doesn’t feel like it’s worth the money.

I lost my previous job as a soccer coach, which was my main income. After that, I worked at Toys R Us as a seasonal employee but was furloughed right after being hired as a part-time worker. All I am trying to do is help my family. My mom isn’t working due to an illness and my father is the sole breadwinner right now. But COVID-19 has made it so I can’t even do that.

Video games helped me relieve some of that stress and fear, taking a weight off of my shoulders. By getting to play with friends who I can’t see in person we stay connected, keeping each other company. It has also helped me reconnect with family and friends, some of who I haven’t spoken to in 15 years. I’ve met people across the globe, all because of online gaming.

Putting on my headphones and playing games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Overwatch have been my go-to in terms of games I play more competitively. Replaying solo player games like The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and Nier Automata have helped me pass time.

Playing games like Smite, Dead Island, and Call of Duty, which I rarely play, have grown on me, thanks to playing with friends. Even games such as Pokémon Stadium 2 and Golden Sun let me relive my past.

There are things that were accessible before this pandemic happened that I miss, and I do reminisce when I sit in front of my screen playing a game. I miss the excitement of going to gaming expos with friends to experience new consoles and games that developers have worked on months and years.

If we all do our part, stay indoors, only leave the when necessary, wear face masks and take precaution when outside, doing the daily activities we love will be within our grasp again.