Wildlife takes over the city

Apr 7, 2020 | COVID-19, News

Ashley Radcliffe

While people in Ontario are self-isolating due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in wild animals roaming the streets in urban areas.

In Ontario, as many businesses, schools, and public areas have been shut down over health concerns the traffic has also slowed down in some of the most populated areas.

This has allowed nocturnal animals to start wandering the streets in broad daylight.

Wild animals such as foxes, deer, and coyotes have been recorded by social media users throughout all hours of the day.

Toronto Biologist Emily Rondel confirms that there are many reasons why this spike in wildlife has been brought to many people’s attention.

“The most obvious reason is the fact that there is less traffic and less noise, which makes it safer for them to gallivant where ever they please,” Rondel said.

“We also have to take into consideration that the seasons have changed, and the warm weather has caused all the snow to melt away. This has increased water levels that have forced animals to migrate to different areas,” Rondel said.

Although encounters with these critters is nothing new for Ontarians, the increased number of wildlife sightings is.

Some people may be worried about their safety around these wild animals, especially during the day when you need to run out of the house to get groceries.

“It’s important to give these wild animals their space,” said Animal Control Officer Michael Hildebrandt.

“They may seem calm, but they are very protective of each other and may react out of fear,” said Hildebrandt.

This increase has also been recognized in many other places all over the world.

A herd of deer was captured resting on the front lawn of someone’s property in London, England.

Also in Japan, a deer was seen venturing off into the city to look for food.

A boy in Japan riding his bike passed a deer in the city.

Mountain goats in Wales have been seen lurking around in the city due to the lack of humans present.

Human’s social distancing has encouraged animals to make the urban areas their own.