Resources for Humber students during exam season

Apr 8, 2016 | Life

Rebecca Pilozo-Melara

With exams fast approaching, it can be helpful to have extra academic guidance along the way.

Resources to make students feel more confident about their schoolwork are available for all full time and part time students.

“I’ve used the writing centre and it’s been helpful having a second pair of eyes look over things from a different perspective,” said Melissa Peel, a final year Humber’s Early Childhood Education student.

Peel is one of many students who have benefitted from the college’s academic resources in order to boost their marks.

“Math isn’t my strong subject but I was a lot more confident in my abilities walking into my exam last semester. Some subjects you just need more practice with and everyone learns very differently, which is why this is pretty useful,” says Jonathan Piché, a second year International Business student.

In case you’re looking for extra some help during crunch time here are some services available.
