Humber begins four weeks of classic martial arts screenings

Mar 11, 2013 | News

LAS FSP 36 Chamber ShaolinBy Kaite Boivin

Humber is screening Hong Kong Action Cinema with kung fu comedy beginning Monday, as part of the Liberal Arts Film Series.

The liberal studies department is hosting the screening Monday at 6:15 p.m. in E135 at the north campus.

The classic film, The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, starring Gordon Liu, will be shown with free pizza and pop.

IMDb, the popular online database for movie content outlines the film, saying Lui manages to escape a brutal Manchu attack and then devotes himself to learning martial arts to seek revenge.

Lui masters “the deadly use of his fists, feet and palms” in a short period of time, according to the plot summary on IMDb.

The Liberal Arts Film Series is entering its sixth semester with this Martial Arts Cinema series.

There are three screenings following tonight’s show:

March 18: Police Story (starring Jackie Chan)

March 25: Lady Snowblood (starring Meiko Kaji)

April 1: Zatochi on the Road (starring Shintaro Katsu)

“The idea of the Film Series is to show movies that we love to students and talk about them,” Caleb Yong, liberal arts professor, told Humber News.

The films are usually centered on a theme or genre, he said, but this semester is “more low key.”

Last semester, Humber News covered the Zombies and Zeitgeists film screening of the horror classic, Dawn of the Dead.

Listen to that report here: