Humber is the first college to eliminate tuition for Indigenous students

Jun 22, 2024 | Campus News, Headlines, News

Humber announced it’s the first college in Canada to provide free tuition to students from indigenous communities.

The decision will be implemented in the coming fall and applies to eight First Nations communities in Ontario.

The program offers full exemption from tuition.

The eight communities are Alderville First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island, Curve Lake First Nation, Hiawatha First Nation, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, Mississaugas of the Scugog Island First Nation, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (Tyendinaga Mohawk) and Six Nations of the Grand River.

These communities have been chosen because of their geographical proximity to the college.

The information related to the grant application will be available starting fall of 2024.

“This initiative builds upon Humber’s steadfast commitment to advancing Truth and Reconciliation, deepens our valued relationships with local Indigenous communities and elevates Indigenous excellence within our institution,” Ann Marie Vaughan, president and CEO of Humber said in the press release.

“Through these efforts, we aim to create an environment where Indigenous knowledge and culture are celebrated and integrated into the Humber experience, reinforcing our dedication to inclusivity and mutual respect,” she said.

Jason Seright, vice president of Inclusion and Belonging, said the decision is made to forward Truth and Reconciliation and remove any financial and monetary barriers or constraints the students face.

“Humber is making the decision to offer free tuition to Indigenous students as a way to act upon and advance Truth and Reconciliation,” Seright said. “Indigenous peoples have historically faced significant barriers to education and this initiative aims to reduce the financial barrier and provide access to a high quality post-secondary education.

“Humber is engaged with the eight Nations to make this program available to their communities and we look forward to welcoming these learners to the Humber family this fall,” Seright said.

He said the initiative empowers Indigenous students embarking on their post-secondary studies. The program also emphasizes Humber’s commitment to action and not just words, Seright said.

“By removing financial barriers to accessing post-secondary education, Humber is building a stronger and more inclusive future where every Indigenous student can thrive,” he said.