When students think about their transition to college, it can be seen as a new experience full of excitement and wonders.
For others it can be a rude awakening.
Humber News spoke with students and faculty to get advice for new first-years coming into college.
First-Year Student of the Fire Service Program Felipe Fariso said when choosing your program, to make sure it is something you truly want to do.
“The type of program I have is something that if you really wanna do it, you have to put everything into it, even if you mess up sometimes, always make sure that you can always do better,” Fariso said.
First-Year Student of the Human Resources Program Anthony Pursnud said to stay on-top of everything and make sure to keep track of important due dates.
“It’s a big campus, I advice to come a week before and look where every single class is so you don’t get lost,” Pursnud said.
“And if you have the time, go to the gym or hang out with your friends,”
First-Year Student of the Agrac Program Austin Kohlic said to be sure to meet people, and have a good time studying.
“Stay on-top of your studies, and if you have a gap in your schedule, get a locker, because you don’t want to be carrying all your books around with you all the time,” Kohlic said.
Professor Robyn Foley, who teaches in the Journalism and Radio Broadcast programs said to take advantage of any opportunities you can get for extra experience.
“It’s really important to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way from first-year all the way until your final third-year, for example the elections, a lot of first-year students volunteered, do another one if it comes your way it’s incredible experience,” Foley said.
“Once you do that, get to know your instructors because they are here to help you, and once you establish a relationship with them you will have better connections with them.”
Foley says when first coming to Humber, the transition from high school to college can be overwhelming at first, but the campus is welcoming with lots of support.
“If you find yourself in this position, take advantage of all the support and help that’s available to you, and also make sure to come to classes and do your assignments, don’t let things fall behind because you’ll get overwhelmed,” Foley said.
“As you go, talk to some second-years and third-years to find out what it’s like after first-year.”