Pistorius receives five-year sentence

Oct 21, 2014 | News, Sports

By Travis Pereira and Jeff Sehl

Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to a five year prison term.

Pistorius was found guilty for the charge of culpable homicide in the death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The contentious exchange between the defence and prosecution ramped up right to the closing arguments.

The defence portrayed Pistorius as a “broken man” who should be sentenced to house arrest.

The prosecution argued Pistorius was being sold as a “poor victim” and suggested a minimum of a 10 year sentence was appropriate.

This trial set precedents for the South African court system as it was the first to allow live broadcast at certain times.

With such a high profile person being accused of a serious crime the proceedings seemed like a soap opera at times.

The South African double amputee Paralympic athlete known as the “blade runner” was once a celebrated national hero for the milestones he accomplished during his career.

The timeline explores the highlights and lowlights of both Pistorius’ track career and beyond.

Pistorius’ sentence has been met with mostly criticism from the general public. Many believe a five-year sentence is far too light for someone who ended a life, and even more have taken issue with the possibility that Pistorius could be granted parole after just 10 months.

Many critics of the Pistorius sentencing took their displeasure to Twitter: